
English version of “Once upon a time: Demo Tape” by Daniele Badursi – Raw Art Fanzine

3 months after the publication of the first digital book, “Once upon a time: Demo Tape”, devoted solely to demo tapes of the ’90s, it is pleasing to point out some important milestones that proudly fill the author of the original digital music book. During these 3 months, Daniele Badursi’s “book” obtained (from ISSUU statistics), over 18.500 online readings with an average of about 6 minutes per person.
Great results earned thanks to over 100 articles released on Italian and international sites and magazines, as well as social sharing like Facebook and Twitter.
This data adds many new readings that grow day by day.

Considering the surprising attention taken abroad for the original idea of ​​the book dedicated to demo (rock, metal, punk, indie, etc), this novelty was a must to get the best gift for this music story such fans. Certainly, there are nice satisfactions coming from abroad despite the obvious difficulty of understanding the Italian language for foreigners.

Now the English version is finally available, “Once upon a time: Demo Tape”, always browsing free online as a strictly non-profit initiative.

The vintage digital book can be read free here (english):

Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/daniele.badursi

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