
Liv Kristine Joins Midnattsol

Liv Kristine has joined MIDNATTSOL as their official second singer – right next to her very talented sister Carmen Elise Espenæs. This truly is full sister power!  The band is extremely excited about the news:

“Hey folks,

Like we promised here is the news for you:

LIV KRISTINE IS NOW AN OFFICAL SECOND SINGER IN MIDNATTSOL!! Some time ago we discussed with Liv that she would support us on our upcoming album as a special guest. Working together, we found out that not only the result is awesome – we also have a lot of fun together. The logical consequence was that we pick up Liv as a permanent member of the band. So she is now the official second singer in Midnattsol.

We have already recorded Liv as the second voice on some songs for the next album. Liv will also have her own parts in some songs, so these songs will be more like a duet of the two sisters. We think the results will blow you away.

As Liv is now a permanent band member we plan to play upcoming concerts together with her.
We are very happy and it means a lot to us to have such an amazing singer and fantastic person in our Midnattsol family.”

The band released a first appetizer in form of the track snippet “Purple Sky”

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