A Máquina do Tempo EP 14 – Buddy Holly / Elvis / Chuck Berry / Little Richard

Montly radio show, Sundays, beginning at 21h, dedicated to the rock classics
Programa mensal aos domingos, às 21:00h, dedicados aos clássicos da música rock.
The Time Machine of this month is dedicated to Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, Little Richard
Download da app para android em:
Download da app para ipad/phone em:
* Winamp, iTunes https://hyades.shoutca.st/tunein/fferreir.pls
* Windows Media Player https://hyades.shoutca.st/tunein/fferreir.asx
* Real Player https://hyades.shoutca.st/tunein/fferreir.ram
* QuickTime https://hyades.shoutca.st/tunein/fferreir.qtl
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