
LENG TCH’E’s stolen gear returned!

Good news for the lads of LENG TCH’E. After 5 long months, parts of their stolen equipment has been returned to them via the power of social media.

The band comment: “A couple of weeks after we got our van broken into and our gear stolen in Ostrava, we received a mysterious e-mail from an even more mysterious, disposable e-mail address. This person claimed he bought our gear from some junkies, and that he didn’t know it was stolen. In reality it was the owner of a pawnshop who couldn’t sell our gear to anyone because everybody in the Czech Republic and beyond knew it was stolen.

In the meantime we got in touch again with the Ostrava police department, who gave us instructions on how to handle this situation. The pawnshop owner wanted us to pay €2000 to get our own gear back. We obviously weren’t going to do this, so we set up a meeting with our local contact, who was joined by an undercover police officer, and the owner of the pawnshop to get our stuff back. This guy had the audacity afterwards to call us dishonest because he didn’t want to give the stolen gear back to its rightful owners.

A big thank you goes out to our good friends Anxur Moravian and Dalibor who invested so much time and energy together with the Ostrava police department in coordinating this operation, and to our amazing fans who exposed our social media post to over 300.000 (!) people: we cannot thank you enough. This would not have been possible without you. Don’t mess with the underground!

We are still missing Olivier’s drum pedals (Pearl Demon Drive) and a lot of effects pedals, as well as a box of “Razorgrind” gatefold vinyl and t-shirts. So please keep an eye out for those. More info can be found here.”

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