
The Riven stream entirety of new EP

Heavy rock band The Riven have teamed up with Invisible Oranges to stream the entirety of their new EP Blackbird. The EP is set to be released tomorrow on compact disc and digital formats.
Stream the entire EP below
 You can check out the band’s merch/Listen to more music here: 
About the Riven:
The Riven is all about raw, soulful, heavy rock with lots of hot sauce and cheap beer. Formed in West London after an alcohol-fueled songwriting session between guitarist Arnau Diaz and bass player Max Ternebring, they were soon to be accompanied by Charlotta Ekebergh on vocals and  Olof Axegard on drums.
With a love for bands like Rush, Grand Funk Railroad and Deep Purple in common they started writing and recording songs together. Recording and mixing was done by JB Pilon at his studio Buffalo Studios in East London in November 2016.

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