
WOM Features – Toxikull / Tormentor Bestial / Savage Hands

Toxikull present first video off the upcoming album “The Nightraiser”

Portuguese speed metallers Toxikull have just released the video for the track “Nightraiser”, off the album with the same name. Featuring a dark and raw tone, inspired by videos from the 80’s filled with grain and contrast, it captures and illustrates the old-school and aggressive musical style the band plays.

The video was recorded by Tomás Carraca at Another Place (Almada, Portugal). Edited by Miguel Carrapiço.

“The Nightraiser” will be released on March 23rd worldwide by Mosher Records and Firecum Records and is already available for pre-order through the labels’ websites.

After 2016’s surprise by the shape of “Black Sheep”, Toxikull return with the incredible EP “The Nightraiser” (Mosher / Firecum Records). “The Nightraiser” is a relentless sonic attack that evokes the best elements that made heavy, speed and thrash metal so popular: impressive vocals, a tight rhythm section, blazing guitar solos and carefully crafted melodies.
Fearless, taunting, leather-jacket wearing maniacals Toxikull are a quintet from Cascais, Portugal, who play their metal heavy and fast! Fronted by the brothers Lex Thunder and Michael Blade, Toxikull is one of the most promising european underground bands, when it comes to heavy/ speed/thrash, mostly due to the high energy display during their live gigs.

TORMENTOR BESTIAL premieres new music video

The first video from Tormentor Bestial with its new formation, reunited a little more than a year and that brings us a new version for the music “From The Past To The Future. A song that shows a clear influence of eighties heavy metal, mixed with more modern influences, with a very interesting result.


Produzed and directed by Cloudye H. Atonye (WCA Viper Filmes do Brasil), it has scenes captured on “Dona Bier”, a know rock bar in Taybaté, cozy place and with a london pub style, that, with Eliana Camargo has been receiving space to bands of the region. Filmed on 26/11/2017, the show, also counted with the partnership of Eduardo Prado, brewer and ownder of Fermentador de Ideias e and of the well know Fuca Beer, responsible for the creation and manufactureing of “Tormentor Bestial – The Old Skull Beer”, redish/ambar color, english style Bitter Alea, the band’s official beer.

SAVAGE HANDS – EP »Barely Alive« out and new music video

SAVAGE HANDS deliver a very deep and emotional music video for the new track ‘Unconditional’, which comes off the group‘s SharpTone Records debut offering »Barely Alive«. The EP was released today and was produced by the acclaimed Andrew Bayliss (MY ENEMIES & ISYLAR). Check out the video now here:

Mike (vocals) states: “For ’Unconditional’, we wanted to portray an ugly side of a relationship. Something that showed a lot of anger that can be built up on both sides of a relationship. There are always two sides to every story. We wanted to catch the couple ‘in the moment’ and portray how anger can make you destroy everything you love and cherish in a relationship. They both destroy everything in the house, which symbolizes what they have built during their time together. Like destroying the clock for an example. The clock represents their ’time’ spent together. In the end, they both sit back to back reflecting on what they have done thinking if it was even worth all of that. We just wanted to express that we all go through these types of things and sometimes things get really ugly like that and it‘s not okay. We don‘t ever hope for that type of violence in any relationship.

The whole mood of the song is best seen in black and white. The lyrics call for it as well. To me the video is a real life interpretation of something that I‘ve actually seen. It‘s sort of therapeutic to get it off my chest and out to the world for others to see and understand. SAVAGE HANDS isn‘t just us, it‘s the entire world. It‘s the negative impact we have on each other as friends or loved ones, getting through that negative impact by whatever means necessary and learning from it. We hope that everyone can appreciate what we‘ve created and we want to let everyone know we‘re just getting started. We have a lifetime of problems, past and present.. to reflect on.

The response for our debut music video, ’RED’, has been amazing. We hope to continue with that spark right into the record and receive the same recognition. We want every song to have its time in the spotlight. They are all pieces of us. Thank you everyone who has listened and supported so far.”

Order »Barely Alive« here:


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