
Interview – Trevor And The Wolves

Trevor And The Wolves may be an unkown name for many heavy metal fans but Sadist it’s definitely not! Italy’s top cult technical/progressive death metal band have already carved their name in the genre’s history. Now the band’s frontman, Trevor Nadir, surprised the underground with this new entity, Trevor And The Wolves, a new band that moves in a totally different genre. We reached Trevor to get to know his new taste on lycanthropy.

Hello Trevor and welcome to the World Of Metal! Let me start to say that it was a real surprise to hear Trevor And The Wolves. A good one! How did you decided to do something so different from Sadist?

Hello to all of you, and thank you for this opportunity, a greeting to all readers of Metal World. It was a long time since I wanted a solo project of mine. Sadist is very important to me, it represents my life, but my intention was to do something different that would make me go back in time to when I was a young metalkids. This is why I decided to start this new adventure. It seemed right to do something different than Sadist, I think it would not make much sense to have a similar sound. It was certainly a surprise for everyone, especially for Sadist fans, even though I am satisfied with how “Road to Nowhere” and my work have been transposed, the reviews are all really very good, I’m happy.   I’ve been a death metal singer for thirty years, I certainly do not want to try singing differently, that’s my world and it will be forever, but the genre of Trevor and the Wolves required a slightly softer voice for this reason I was tried other solutions, for once I tried to be a good child … or almost.”Road to Nowhere” is an album of my curiosity, I do not think it makes sense to stand my solo project and do things in a sadistic style. I grew up with the great bands of the past, I was thrilled to take a few steps back in my story as a singer, metalkids, listener. This is a direct album, genuine, damn hard’n’heavy!


Can we call Trevor And The Wolves a live band too or only a studio project? Do you intend to hit the stages?

I can not think of a project with a regular deadline, since I put something up for me it represents a lot, I am a person who goes down in things with all of myself. Precisely for this reason I find it hard to consider a single project. When I had guarantees from Nadir Music and Audioglobe about the release date I started thinking about live dates, to date the first ten concerts have been confirmed and others are being defined; we will make a nice tour: Viareggio, Milan, Florence, Padua, Genoa, Savona, Alessandria, Mantua, Pisa, Turin. At the moment I am behind the promotion of the album, but when the work leaves me a bit ‘of space is my intention to reason on a next album. My intention is to go on with Trevor and the Wolves, a tour in western Europe will be organized next autumn and I hope to play in your country too soon, it would be great, I still remember with great pleasure when we were in Portugal with Sadist , we found ourselves very well, it would be nice to hug old friends.



Talking about “Road To Nowhere” specifically, it has a great hard’n’heavy sound the reeks AC/DC and Motörhead. Do you think their fans will enjoy? How have been the reactions so far?

It is useless to hide behind the evidence some riffs can wink at the great AC / DC bands to which we are all very attached, needless to say the importance that the Angloaustralians have had on those who play hard’n’heavy yes it is a sacred monster, a colossus of rock. However we did not pose too much problem my and our intentions were to make a good record, fun. Trevor and the Wolves is a project halfway between hard rock and heavy metal, there are all the right elements to define such our music. It ‘s natural to make some combinations but in all honesty I think it is something that has good identity because if on one hand the sound turns to hard rock on the other my voice is certainly rougher and far from the usual canons that surround the gender. I am sure that Road to Nowhere is an album that can be appreciated by lovers of hard’n’heavy music! The references are those that take us back in time, despite the production curated by Tommy Talamanca in the Nadir Studios is to be considered absolutely today. The styles of hard rock required an acoustic mixing, played with heart and passion. I’m really satisfied with the work that came out, I have nothing to complain about and this is what matters most.

I think this kind of project and bands, that use the old sound to present something new and fresh have a huge importance, since the old bands are slowly fading away. Is this a way of respecting their legacy?

The magazines that listened to the album first made these combinations, I can not say, one thing is certain these bands have meant a lot to me and I think for all those who have approached Hard’n’Heavy at the turn of the 70/80 years. This is Rock’n’Roll, this is Hard’n’Heavy, I wanted something that had a strong impact, without too many frills, something that in the live venue would be explosive like a lit fuse. The guys did a great job, I have to thank them they made me happy reading between the lines what were my diabolical intentions. When we are in the rehearsal room while singing, it makes me think about how much adrenaline is able to supply the music, it’s incredible, this is pure magic. I have great respect for the great bands of the past all of us who play metal we owe everything to bands such as: Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Motörhead, Saxon, Judas Priest. My career as a musician starts in the late eighties, about thirty years ago, today I have the same passion, I’m lucky. These great bands have given life to our geenre all of us have the hard task to carry out this battle, I just hope that the younger bands have the same dedication and constancy, even if the world has changed, surely there is a need for a generational change.

Your lyrics here in “Road To Nowhere” are very entertaining, in the good old hard’n’heavy way. It’s good to focus something more light compared to the depth of Sadits lyrics, right?

“Road to Nowhere” as its title is a journey to nowhere. With imagination I went far, I visited places terribly beautiful, using the customs and customs of those lands. But not only, other texts tell horror legends, fairy tales with a breathtaking twist. But on all there is a text to which I am more attached, what sums up the whole concept of this trip, I always maintain that there is no better start than the return, “Unforgivable Mistake” song that closes the album summarizes what was said , since it is a song dedicated to love for my country. I have traveled the world but coming home is the most beautiful thing. I visited incredible places wrapped in a spectacular nature and full of fascinating legends, where in some cases the storyboard consists of horror stories, as for: “Bath Number 666”, “Black Forest”, “Burn at Sunrise”. Of course I’ve never made a secret of it, I’m fascinated by evil. As you can see they are very different, the lyrics I write for Sadist are focused on violent themes, aggressive, the name of the band leads me to write brutal things, both musically and conceptually I wanted to separate the two bands.



“Road To Nowhere” was produced by Tommy Talamanca, the guitar player of your other band. Was it the obvious choice, since you work together for so many years?

Tommy is a brother, we are linked for too many years, we have and we share too many things, work, stage, beautiful moments, less beautiful moments. It was obvious that he would take care of the production, as has always done a flawless job, now Tommy and Nadir Studios represent a landmark in our country, Tommy is a great professional, a person that I deeply respect and not only for his technical skills, it is an honest, determined and above all tireless boy. The insiders are praising the work of production, I’m happy, the great work done has been recognized. As for the sound I never had doubts, once again managed to amaze me, the production is very powerful, despite being clear and acoustic.  Honestly I could not have thought of another producer, Tommy knew perfectly what I wanted, being in his hands means doing things in the best way.

What are the expectations to this new project, how far do you want to take it?

I’m reaching my first fifty years, it would be stupid to live in dreams and illusions, this does not mean being disenchanted, sometimes dreaming is nice but you must always have at least one eye open that can make you live the emotion with your feet firm on the ground . I have not set myself any goal other than to do things at their best and to work hard on the promotion of the album. One thing is certain “Road to Nowhere” will not be an isolated chapter, actually I’m already thinking about a new full length, even if it is now premature, since in addition to the promotion of the disc just released I’m also involved with the drafting of the songs related to the new album Sadist, in short it is a beautiful assembly line! Trevor and the Wolves is a moment of reflection, it means to bring to music my love for my land and its traditions, it is something genuine, rudimentary. Speaking of music is a tribute to the past years, we are all led to tell our deeds in adolescence, I was lucky enough to live as a primer in the eighties, the explosion of Heavy music, I think it was right to make a summary. One thing is certain “Road to Nowhere” will certainly have a following. Writing music is my life, today is certainly not a good time for music, no matter the passion is always strong.  It is premature to speak today of a follow-up to “Road to Nowhere”, also because we are starting to work on the new album Sadist and the time available is less and less. However, I am sure that “Road to Nowhere” will not be an isolated chapter. At the thought of another album I get excited, especially thinking of new riffs and upcoming issues to be addressed, damn music, elusive and desired.



How about Sadist? “Hyaena”, which is a great album, was released three years ago, when can we expect the new one?

Time passes quickly, it seems like yesterday we were in promotion. With Hyaena we did very important things, participated in big festivals, among them: Hellfest, Brutal Assault, Prog Power Europe and many others, then a European tour as headliner and a support tour for Slayer. Now it’s time to think about a new album, we’re writing songs, we’re happy with what’s coming, the new songs are terribly dark, aggressive and direct, Sadist fans will have to expect a really violent and evil album. It ‘s still too early to say when it will be out, although I think I can say that the new album could come out between the end of the year and the beginning of 2019. We want to make a great album for this reason we prefer to take more time. Talk to you soon. Thanks for the interview and a greeting to all the editors and readers of Metal World. Stay brutal. 







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