
A Hora do Entulho EP 20 – Atom Man VS Superman

Radio show dedicated to all kinds of music, every month on Sundays, from 21h to 23h: reruns from 01h to 03h and 09h to 11h the following day

Emissão dedicada às mais variadas sonoridades, programa mensal das 21h às 23h:
repetição das 01h às 03h e das 09h às 11h do dia seguinte.

Setlist: The Poisoned Glass, Bellhound Choir, Mamiffer, Ritchie Kotzen, Sathol Nay, Boris With Merzbow, Queen, Tyler Bryant And The Shakedown, Eddie Veder And Zeke, Proll Guns, Corrosion Of Conformity, Cancel The Apocalypse, Stoneman, The Press Gang, At The Drive În, Igorr, Za Lä Thü, Sick Of It All, Raunchy, Dead By April, Overcharger, Lamb Of God, Devildriver, The Color Morale, World, Cripple Bastars, Whitechapel, Nails.

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