
Conjuring Fate – “A Primal Desire” – official single from the album „Valley Of Shadows“

The second single of the Irish Heavy/Power Metal Band CONJURING FATE – “A Primal Desire” was released on Soundcloud. The release date of the CONJURING FATE album „Valley Of Shadows“ on CD was the June 9th, 2017. 
After their much anticipated EP “House on Haunted Hill” from 2014, CONJURING FATE strike again with their album “Valley of Shadows”. Eleven tracks of power and heavy metal that will make the metal heart of all head bangers beat faster! Anyone who doesn’t twitch a neck muscle after the menacing intro should seek medical attention!
The heavy metal band from Northern Ireland offers once again a powerful mix of Iron Maiden, Diamond Head and Helloween on their first full length album and will continue the direction already pointed out on their EP – with a little difference: The songs are more sophisticated, got more hooks and the crystal clear production offers the listener every detail of the multi-faceted songs.
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