
Märvel release new track “Goodluck Sandy”

Swedish hard rock sensations Märvel have released their new track “Goodluck Sandy”. The track is the first single from their upcoming album At The Sunshine Factory.
Watch the video for “Goodluck Sandy here:

Pre-order At The Sunshine Factory here:

Goodluck Sandy is green sunlight sifting through slender birch branches while you’re enjoying a glass of ice cold sparkling wine in the company of long lost friends. A far stretched field of rye is moving to the late evening breeze and the sky is endlessly high.

Märvel‘s first single from their upcoming 7th album At the Sunshine Factory is an instantly likable song that showcase the band’s broad musical influences while still being recognizable as a trademark Märvel song. On the surface, the soulful and catchy song comes out sunny side up while the lyrics questions the idea of taking the easy way out of complicated relations.

The stomping drums, the playful bass lines and the roomy guitar melodies transports the listener to the 60’s but as always Märvel has a way of making their unique blend of music sound fresh and interesting.

“Goodluck Sandy” will grab you by the hand, lead you to a deserted beach and sit by your side as the sun sets where the ocean meets the sky.

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