
Stielas Storhett – “Curtain” EP Release Date Announced

Russian post-black metal prodigy Stielas Storhett is proud to announce that his “Curtain” EP will be released on September the 15th via Wormholedeath/The Orchard.

This is the second release for Stielas Storhett that is out via Wormholedeath Records and it follows the critically acclaimed album “Drownwards”.
I    Tearing off…
II   The Curtain   feat. Max War-M (guitar)
III  My Kingdom of Gods 
IV   Shallow then Halo (Cocteau Twins cover)
V    Wlkngrnd 
VI   The Journey of A. 
Digital release date: 15 September 2017 (Wormholedeath/The Orchard)
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