
TOP #5 of the UnderWorld for Oct. 2018

We have made a selection of 5 great releases that just came out and you should definitely check them out. All of your feedback is welcome on comments’ section. Support the UnderWorldSupport Musicians of the World!


Dalkhu – “Lamentation and Ardent Fire”
“Lamentation and Ardent Fire” was recorded at Nightside Studio & Truga Studio and mastered at Endarker Studio Sweden by Magnus Devo Andersson (Marduk) in January 2018. Cover artwork was painted by Misanthropic-Art. Album features seven songs and it was released on Godz ov War Productions.



Tonic Breed – “Install Memory”
Install Memory substantially confirms the orientation of Tonic Breed towards the typical American style of thrash, enriched with a few inserts from groove and heavy metal (you can consider the early works by Metallica as a good reference for their sound).



Hell’s Guardian – “As Above So Below”
Hell’s Guardian new album ‘As Above So Below’ is out – It’s band’s second release since their debut ‘Follow Your Fate’ ( 2014 ). As Above So Below consists of 11 tracks – of total running time 51 minutes – including 2 instrumentals ‘Over the Line’ and ‘Waiting for Nothing’. CD came out on Record Union.



Omega Point – “Isolation”
OMEGA POINT is the studio project of YouTube Guitarist RISTRIDI. With OMEGA POINT, Ristridi invites musicians from different genres to join him in creating a new and versatile listening experience.



Exorcismo – “Exorcise and Steal”
Old School thrash massacre by the Brazilians – Exorcismo! The guys just released their debut Exorcise and Steal and it’s a must for those who are into old Sepultura, Sadus and Dark Angel stuff. Album consists of ten tracks, including an Attomica cover – Deathraiser.



Source ::

Picks By Kostas Dahmer
Team Jordan KiourtsidisMichalis Arhontas


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