
WOM Interviews – Hypno5e

On the eve of one more edition of Comendatio Music Fest, World Of Metal receives one of their top attractions for this year: Hypno5e


Hello and welcome to our World Of Metal. “Sheol” was released last year, having already passed some time since the release, you can have a better perception of how the fans reacted to it. Can you share with us these thoughts?

Our last album had a double challenge: it had to be unique and reflect a fresh approach to the way we compose, from the violence to the clean parts, but it also had to be in line with the continuity of A Distant Dark Source. It took us two years to finish it during the Covid years, and for me it’s one of the albums I enjoy playing live. The Sheol tour in France when it came out and then our European tour with Persefone were really great moments for us, and even more so because we experimented with our new line-up over a long period of time. The album may be harder to digest, but it really has a live dimension. The dialogue we built up with our fans over all these dates was very intense, and the Sheol experience really takes shape when it exists on stage in contact with our audience.

Having such a rich concept that connects your “Sheol” with “A Distant (Dark) Source” albums together, did you ever think of playing live both albums together on a special event?

Not yet but this could be an idea. Perhaps in a near future would be something we could think about. But we’re currently working on writing new material, so let’s say that’s this not in our plans for now. But who knows?

You will play in Comendatio alongside Persefone, with whom you’ve had a tour recently. What balance you make of that tour through Europe?

This tour was pretty amazing. We were also touring with two other bands, Lampr3a and Stellar Circuits, and them plus Persefone are great people. You know, being 20 people all together in a bus for one month, sometimes playing or touring in not the easiest conditions, having ups and downs, being far from home, all these guys coming from different countries and culture and managing our way to make the tour in the best condition as possible is quite something. And there no need to say it was a real success. This tour through Europe was also the opportunity for Hypno5e to play Sheol in many different cities and meet old fans,new fans. It was also the first big European tour with our new line up, and to built a team, this is always a good experience, when it’s successful of course, or even to consider which future you want for a band like this.

What are the expectations to be play in Portugal for the first time through Comendatio?

We are very excited of playing in Portugal for the first time in our history, and even more to present our latest album. Line up is very interesting and can’t be more happy to share the stage with those great musicians.

What can the fans expect from your show in Comendatio Music Fest?

Since the release of the new album, and the beginning of the Sheol tour, we want to deliver the most musical and organic journey you can expect for a show like ours. The fans can expect a journey through a large repertoire of our songs, from Acid Mist Tomorrow to Sheol.


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