
WOM Streams – Adoperta Tenebris – “Calvaire” – Exclusive Premiere!

Misterious french one-man band Adoperta Tenebris is back for its sophomore release, “Oblivion : The Forthcoming Ends”, and the new advance is “Calvaire”, that World Of Metal premieres in a exclusive for Portugal and you can check it out below:

Long lasting side project, Adoperta Tenebris is a one man band founded around the year 2010, maybe earlier. Eventually, the first album was released in 2017 under the name of “Perdition: The Path of Agonies”. Deeply influenced by Scandinavian Black Metal scene of the 90’s and incorporating some Death Metal elements, this album is a piece dedicated to fast tempi and melodic guitar work. “Oblivion: The Forthcoming Ends”, the second album is released under the banner of ‘Les Acteurs de l’Ombre Productions’ in the end of 2021. Refining the process of writing, yet raising the riffing work to the high ground, this album marks a new step for the project with the addition of several guests and a more massive production.

Pre-order CD & LP: https://lesacteursdelombre.net/produc…

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