
WOM Streams – Limbes / Mütterlein – Exclusive Full Split Album Stream

Artwork by Came – Roy de rat

Les Acteurs De L’Ombre next offering is a special one. The french label wil release on the next 6th of August the split album between new entity Limbes (from the ashes of Blurr Thrower) and Mütterlein. You can order it here. And below we present it to you, in a World Of Metal exclusive for Portugal, the full album stream, for you to enjoy:

Taking shape from personal neurosis, fears and anxiety, Limbes (previously Blurr Thrower) aims to exhume the secret ether from the meandering of the Human soul. The project offers the listener a journey in its diegesis through long tracks composed with hypnotics and nagging riffs. Deeply inspired by Cascadian Black Metal – with bands such as Weakling, Fell Voices, Ash Borer, Time Lurker, ParamnesiaLimbes tries to respect the legacy of a Crepuscular Black Metal, loaded with occultism, to which the French Scene contributed a lot.

Mütterlein is an attempt to summon the chords to finally break the deafening silence of peculiar and solitary grief. To save the mute girl by giving her the voice and words to express absolute anger whilst hiding the underlying terror. Her voice is a command addressing the black sun of melancholia, each song a cathartic journey in search of revenge and consolation, each sinister invocation an attempt to behead the patronizing and the domineering.

She is her own mother. A necessary response to the violence of a world in which eternal human values have gradually been displaced in favour of the hegemonic metanarratives of modern patriarchal societies. A world promoting opaque and hierarchical processes of enslavement and abuse, a world in which a queer daughter just does not fit.

Order CD & LP // Limbes Bandcamp // Limbes Facebook // Limbes Instagram //Mütterlein Bandcamp // Mütterlein Facebook // Mütterlein Instagram 


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