A Hora do Chifrudo EP 61 – 13 Ghosts
Radio show dedicated to black metal, every Tuesday from 21h to 22h, with reruns from 01 to 02h and from 09 to 10h on the following day
Emissão dedicada ao black metal, programa semanal das 21h às 22h. Repetições catitas da 01h às 02h e das 09h às 10h.
13 ways to worship black metal with Satyricon, Lebensnacht, Ancestors Blood, Dark Ritual, Fenris, Serpentine Creation, Ixxi, Han, Witchery, Humanart, Nihill, Blood Storm, Morte Incandescente, Bruma Obscura, While They Sleep, Xternity, Dark Funeral, Infernal, Ravencult, Acheronte, Urn and Graveland
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* Windows Media Player https://hyades.shoutca.st/tunein/fferreir.asx
* Real Player https://hyades.shoutca.st/tunein/fferreir.ram
* QuickTime https://hyades.shoutca.st/tunein/fferreir.qtl
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/fernando-ferreira21/a-hora-do-chifrudo-ep-61-13-ghosts/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1]