
A Hora do Heavy Mental EP 67 – One Million Years B.C.

Radio show dedicated to the more tradicional sound, every friday from 21h to 22h, with rerun at 1h to 2h and 9 to 10h the following day:

Emissão dedicada às sonoridades mais tradicionais, programa semanal das 21h às 22h, repetições da 1h às 2h e das 9 às 10h:

Setlist – Queen, Kiss, Ecliptica, MD. 45, The Order, Zombie Motors Wrrecking Yard, Crazy Lyxx, Airbourne, Adrenaline Rush, King Diamond, Virgin Steele, Metall, Meallica, Iron Maiden, Castle, Rage, Ironsword, Dio, Edguy, Grave Digger, Helloween, Gamma Ray, Fireleaf, Secret Sphere, Mystic Prophecy, The End A.D., Astralion

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