
A Hora do Rasganço EP 66 – Diamonds Are Forever

Radio show dedicated to thrash metal every Saturday from 21h to 22h, with reruns from 01h to 02h and 09h to 10h the next day

Emissão dedicada às sonoridades thrash metal, programa semanal das 21h às 22h, repetição das 01h às 02h e das 09h às 10h do dia seguinte

Setlist – Booby Trap, Running Death, Web, Mystic Prophecy, The Mist, Thrash Bombz, Havok, Grindpad, Slayer, Metallica, Pantera, Crimson Slaughter, Madrost, Zero Tolerance, Beyond Description, Deathinition, Black Mass, 2 Ton Predator, Kreator, Acid age, Euphoria, Sepultura, Angry Nation, In Malice’s Wake, Switchtense, Illyrian, Krionik, Hellwitch, Goatwhore

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