
A Máquina do Tempo EP 18 – Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bill Haley, Bo Diddley

Resultado de imagem para buddy holly the complete cover

Montly radio show, Sundays, beginning at 21h, dedicated to the rock classics

Programa mensal aos domingos, às 21:00h, dedicados aos clássicos da música rock.

The Time Machine of this month is dedicated to Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bill Haley and Bo Diddley

Download da app para android em:

Download da app para ipad/phone em:

*  Winamp, iTunes  https://hyades.shoutca.st/tunein/fferreir.pls
*  Windows Media Player  https://hyades.shoutca.st/tunein/fferreir.asx
*  Real Player  https://hyades.shoutca.st/tunein/fferreir.ram
*  QuickTime  https://hyades.shoutca.st/tunein/fferreir.qtl
*  TuneIn http://tunein.com/radio/World-Of-Metal-s260839/

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