
WOM Features – Pyjama Planet – “The Prelude” Feat Kris Xenopoulos (Vulvodynia)

The main creative driving force behind the Pyjama Planet (Mark Pyjama) is back with his solo project. “The Prelude” is the first single from Pyjama Planet’s upcoming album, “Madjenta”,and sets the tone for things to come as a progressive symphonic metal composition at a whopping 6:40 in length! Below you can check it out:

“The Prelude” opens with a thought provoking piano piece, and gently grows with the aid of an Orchestra. Soon bursting into a rich multi-layered tapestry of guitar, synthesisers, and djenty breakdowns, the song’s brutal sonic beats laden with Pyjama’s symphonic riffs and groovy melodies are complimented perfectly by the lead guitar of Xenopoulos(of the might Vulvodynia), and the rhythm talents of Gareth Lloyd on drums and Luke Otto on Bass.

This song tells the origin story of Pyjama Planet, and the introductory tale of one of it’s earliest warriors, Madjenta.

Mark states that “This song has been 3 years in the making. It was a journey. The song developed as I did as a person over these years, and it was my rock when I needed creative escapism!”

You can also check it out here:

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