
WOM Streams – Archvile King – “Dans La Forteresse Du Roi Des Vers” Exclusive Premiere

Created in late 2019, Archvile King is the solo project of Nicolas “Baurus” M., multi-instrumentalist artist based in Nantes. His first EP, “Vile”, paints a colorful picture of awful characters, in a style most reminicent of old-school Thrash Metal, with slight hints of Black Metal. Following the release of “Vile”, his music took a u-turn, becoming darker, deeper, and decidedly Black, without steering too far from how it started originally. To shed a new light (or shall we say dark) on the new artistic phase, here’s the first advance track from the debut album, “À La Ruine”, to be released next year by Les Acteurs De L’Ombre Productions. Enjoy “Dans La Forteresse Du Roi Des Vers” below:

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